*Subsidy of ¥37,000/Month to Hon-Atsugi Branch Parents      *Subsidy of ¥20,000/Month to Sagami-Ono Branch Parents     *Referral Amount of ¥40,000/Student.                           Grade 1 ,   Grade 2 ,   Grade 3   in Hon-Atsugi Branch School.

Enroll your child until June 30, 2024, and get a 50% waiver on Monthly Fees and a 100% waiver on Registration Fees.              

Language – ensure that the child’s

  • 1.Vocabulary is expanded in English and Japanese
  • 2.Recognition of Alphabets, Colors, Shapes,Patterns
  • 3.Recognition of flowers,transportation,countries flag,animals,body parts
  • 4.Phonics sound building
  • 5.Developing thinking skills and problem solving
  • 6.Confidence in language is built.
  • 7.Brain boosting and training activity.


  • 1.Recognition of numbers
  • 2.Number counting
  • 3.Number matching
  • 4.Simple addition and subtraction
  • 5.Comaprison of numbers



English ORAL WORK Opposites: Open-close, hot-cold, boy-girl, sit-stand.
Action words: Sit, stand, drink, run, jump.
RHYMES a. Polite words.
b. Five little ducks
English Development of writing readiness through
  • a. Doodling.
  • b. Coloring in enclosed spaces
  • c. Joining dots.
  • d. Standing/slanting/curved lines.
  • Introduction of Phonics Sound.
Math Pre number concepts: Tall /short, big/small, near/far etc.
Coloring different objects.
Reading & Writing numbers 1-10
Hindi अक्षर : अ ( मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
कविता : एक-एक यदि पेड़ लगाओ
बच्चे ‘अ’ अक्षर के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
Japanese Introduction of Japanese Alphabets
Rhyme: Kagome, kagome
Art & Craft Introduction and interaction with children with love and affection.
Children would feel homely as well as friendly atmosphere at school and in classroom.
Monthly Event: Safety Rules and Emergency Drilling


English ORAL WORK Opposites: In-out, go-come, up-down, day-night..
Action words: Cry, walk, fly, color, write, touch.
RHYMES a. A-tisket a-tasket
b. With my hands.
English Tearing and pasting.
  • Cutting and pasting.
  • Writing alphabet with correct phonetic sounds A, B, C, D
  • (small letters, Cursive letter recognition and writing of the same)
Math Pre number concepts: Heavy/light, wide/narrow, more/less etc.
Recognition of numbers with quantity 1-10 (Oral counting).
Walk along the numbers.
Reading & Writing numbers 11-20.
Counting, Identifying Numbers, Matching Numbers with Pictures.
Hindi अक्षर : अक्षर : आ (मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
कविता : मेरी बिल्ली काली-पीली.
बच्चे ‘आ’ अक्षर के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
Japanese Practice of Fruit names andあtoお,
Rhyme: Yane yori takai koinobori
Art & Craft Concept of ‘LINE ’Study of different lines
e.g.; horizontal line, vertical line, slanting line, zigzag line, dotted line and etc.
Motor skills activity:
  • 1)Join the lines
  • 2)Tooth pick activity
  • 3) Mother’s Day card.
  • 4) Monthly Event: Rhyme Contest


English ORAL WORK Opposites: Inside-outside, full-empty, sweet-sour, happy-sad. Action words: Skip, hop, push, draw, laugh, throw.
Missing Alphabet Practice.
RHYMES a. This is the family.
b. Nature.
c. Little Miss Muffet
English Recognition and writing alphabet with correct phonetic sound. E,F,G (Small letters ,Cursive letter recognition and writing of the same).
Math Co-relation of symbols and quantity 1-10.
Reading & Writing numbers 21-30.
Count and write.
Draw and count.
Missing Numbers.
Hindi अक्षर : अक्षर : इ (मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
कविता : तोता राजा बड़ा सयाना
बच्चे ‘इ’ अक्षर के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
Japanese Practice of vegetables names and か to こ,
Art & Craft Children would learn to start drawing things and objects which develops their confidence and also, they would start identifying the colors around them.
1) Father’s Day craft.
2) Monthly Event: Best Out of Waste Contest


English ORAL WORK More action words: Clap, swim, give, take, pull. ‘This’ and ‘that’ concept will be given practically through short sentences.
After Alphabet Practice.
RHYMES a. Incy wincy spider.
b. The king of the jungle.
c. The wheels on the bus go round and round
English Recognition and writing alphabet with correct phonetic sound. H, I,J (Small letters, Cursive letters recognition and writing of the same).
Math What comes after?
Reading & Writing numbers 31-40.
Sequence writing 1-20 .
Count without looking.
After Numbers (1-20)
Hindi अक्षर : ई (मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
कविता : चल मेरे घोड़े टिक-टिक, आई आई गर्मी आई
बच्चे ‘ ई’ अक्षर के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
Japanese Practice of body parts names andさtoそ、
Rhyme: Sasa no ha sara sara
Art & Craft Arranging and over lapping of the basic shapes to create a design and forms of things and objects like tree, flower, house, apple etc.
Motor skills activity:
  • 1) Paper folding house.
  • 2) Paper folding boat.
  • 3) Tanabata carft
  • 4) Monthly Event: Greeting Card Contest


English ORAL WORK Introduction of prepositions through short sentences such as: On, in, inside, outside.
Reverse Alphabet Practice.
RHYMES a. The froggy.
b. 12345 Once I caught a fish alive.
c. Oh, rainbow, oh, rainbow.
English Recognition and writing alphabet with their correct phonetic sound. K,L,M (Small letters, Cursive letter recognition and writing of the same ).
Math Reading & Writing numbers 41-50.
Reverse Order Numbers (1-20).
Hindi अक्षर : उ (मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
कविता : गिनती
बच्चे ‘उ’ अक्षर के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
Japanese Practice of Greeting words and たtoと、
Kira kira hikaruの歌
Art & Craft Draw easy forms of birds and color it.
Motor skills activity:
1) Hand prints butterfly
2) Monthly Event: Show and Tell Contest


English ORAL WORK Preposition words: Far, near, up, down, under.
Use of he, she, we will be introduced through short sentences
Before Alphabet Practice
RHYMES a. Two little black birds.
b. Early to bed.
cc. I am a little teapot.
English a. Recognition and writing alphabet with their correct phonetic sound N,O,P,Q (Small letters,Cursive letter recognition and writing of the same)
Introduction of Advance Phonics
Math Reading & Writing numbers 51-60.
Before Numbers (1-20).
Number Game
Hindi अक्षर : ऊ (मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
कविता : गुच्छे में अंगूर हैं आते
बच्चे ‘ऊ’ अक्षर के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
Japanese Practice of general words andなtoの,
だるまさん と うみ と
Art & Craft Study of fruits and vegetables draw and color them.
Motor skills activity:
  • 1) Fruit day
  • 2) Vegetable day.
  • 3) Introduction of Myself.
  • 4) Monthly Event: Fancy Dress Contest


English ORAL WORK Introduction of two letter words.
RHYMES a. Acorn Song.
b. Open Shut them.
c. Skeleton Dance Songs.
English a. Recognition and writing alphabet with their correct phonetic sound. R,S,T,U (Small letters, Cursive letter recognition of the same )
Math Reading & Writing numbers 61-70.
Between Numbers.
Arrange in a line
Safety Norms. General facts about Japan.
Role play related to safety norms.
Hindi अक्षर : ए (मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
कविता : चिड़िया रानी तितली
बच्चे ‘ए ‘ अक्षर के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
Japanese Practice of color names andはtoほ,
どんぐりころころ の歌
Art & Craft Study of birds: draw and color them.
Motor skills activity:
1) Halloween Craft.
2) Body Parts Activity
3) Yearly Event : Halloween Party
4) Monthly Event: General Knowledge Contest


English ORAL WORK Introduction of two letter words
Beginning Consonants Letter Practice.
Practice of colors in words.brq
Practice of Between Alphabets.
RHYMES a. Under the spreading chestnut tree
b. Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John
English Recognition and writing alphabet with their correct phonetic sound V,W,X (Small letters, Cursive recognition of small letters of the same )
Sequence writing (A-Z)
Math Reading & Writing numbers 71-80.
Smaller Numbers.
Join the dots and color the picture formed.
Hindi ऐ (मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
कविता : चलो चलें हम चिड़ियाघर डॉक्टर भालू
बच्चे ‘ऐ ‘ अक्षर के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
Japanese Practice of shape names andまtoも,
とんぼのめがね と
Art & Craft
  • 1) Sports Day Theme Craft
  • 2) Monthly Event: Drawing Contest
  • 3) Yearly Event: Sports Day


English ORAL WORK Introduction of three letter words.
Middle Consonants Letter Practice.
Practice of colors in words.
RHYMES a. Baa Baa Black Sheep.
b. Chubby Cheeks.
English Recognition and writing alphabet with their correct phonetic sound Y,Z (Small letters, Cursive recognition of small letters of the same ).
Sequence writing (A-Z and a-z)
Math Reading & Writing Numbers :81-90.
Bigger/Greater Numbers.
Hindi अक्षर : ओ (मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
कविता : एक दो , कभी न रो,चंदा मामा
बच्चे ‘ओ ‘अक्षर के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
Japanese Practice of food names andや,ゆ,よ、
きら、きらひかる と
おおきなくりのきのしたで の 歌
Buying and Selling the things activity.
Art & Craft
  • 1) Pine Tree Craft
  • 2) Monthly Event: Skit Performance OR
  • 3) Puppet Show OR
  • 4) Science Fair


English ORAL WORK Introduction of four-letter words.
Ending Consonants Letter Practice.
Practice of number names (1-10).
RHYMES a. Are you sleeping?
b. Humpty-Dumpty
English a. Practice of alphabets, advance phonics.
Math Reading & Writing Numbers :91-100
Smaller Numbers.
Threading of beads in a color sequence.
Hindi अक्षर : औ (मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
कविता : मछली जल की रानी, अक्कड़ बक्कड़ बम्बे बो.
बच्चे ‘औ ‘अक्षर के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
Japanese Practice of household things name andらtoろ、
むすんでひらいて と と
たこたこあがれ の 歌と
Goo choki pa deの 歌
Art & Craft
  • Republic Day Craft.
  • Monthly Event: Story Telling Contest


English ORAL WORK Practice of two-three-four letter words.
Practice of Beginning-Middle-Ending Consonants Letter Practice.
Practice of number names (1-10).
RHYMES a. Hickory, dickory, dock
b. Hot Cross Buns
c. Valentine Day Story.
English a. Recognition and writing alphabet with their correct phonetic sound V,W,X (Small letters, Cursive letter recognition and writing of the same )
b. Sequence writing (Aa-Zz)
c. Reverse Alphabet writing (Z-A,z-a)
Math Reading & Writing Numbers: 1-50
Hindi अक्षर : अं (मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
वर्णमाला का अभ्यास (मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
कविता : हाथी राजा कहाँ चले ?
बिल्ली बोली म्याऊं म्याऊं
बच्चे ‘अं ‘ वर्णमाला के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
Japanese Practice of speaking simple words andわ,を、ん、
ぞうさん と いちにさんの歌 
Art & Craft
  • Valentine Day Craft.
  • Mame Maki Craft and Activity
  • Monthly Event: Spelling Bee Contest


English ORAL WORK Practice of two-three-four letter words.
Practice of colors in words.
Beginning-Middle-Ending Consonants Letter Practice.
RHYMES a. a chubby little snowman
b. three little kittens.
c. Row row row your boat.
English a. Recognition and writing alphabet with their correct phonetic sound Y,Z (Small letters, Cursive recognition of small letters of the same )
b. Sequence Writing Practice (Aa-Zz)
c. Reverse Alphabet Writing Practice (Zz-Aa)
Math Reading & Writing Numbers: 51-100
Review of All Math Topic
Good habits.
Keeping yourself clean.
Means of transport.
Traffic lights.
Train ride.
Coloring of Traffic lights.
Hindi वर्णमाला का अभ्यास (मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
कविता : लाला जी की टोपी गोल , बच्चों खाओ कच्ची गाजर
बच्चे अ से अं वर्णमाला के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
Japanese Practice of speaking simple words, alphabets and
Art & Craft Graduation day craft.
Year End Party
Yearly Event: Graduation Day
Monthly Event: Story Reading Contest